Michael Jarrett -
full stack developer
HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, TAILWIND, JAVASCRIPT, REACT, TYPESCRIPT, REDUX, REACT NATIVE, NODE, EXPRESS, SKATEBOARDINGI love everything about software engineering, and can't wait to learn more...
Hello, i'm Michael. Currently I am a professional bartender at a lovely bar in the great city of New Orleans. I love bartending, most of all because of all the wonderful people I have had the pleasure of meeting on both sides of the bar. It has also allowed me to develop exceptional customer service skills, which I am excited to use in a new industry.
Back in 2020, I was accepted to the MBA program for business at the University of New Orleans, and then COVID happened, and my plans changed. I started looking at other paths I could take, and a friend mentioned a local coding boot camp. I was thus introduced to JavaScript and the world of computer programming.
Due to having bills to pay, my coding journey has had a few twists and turns, but along the way, I have learned one thing - I love coding. I love the challenge, I love conquering the unknown, and I love the excitement of learning something new every day. In the last year, I gave up a management position and most of my shifts to pursue the next step in my life: becoming a full-stack engineer.